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  • Garde-corps en Verre | Alliaverre Railing | Vitrage & systèmes de montage

    GARDE-CORPS TOUT EN VERRE DESIGN, ÉCONOMIQUE & FACILE À MONTER DEVIS EXPRESS Spécialiste en vitrage pour garde-corps depuis 2012 AV GLASS : DU VERRE SUR MESURE NOUVEAUTÉ GARDE-CORPS PHOTOVOLTAIQUE SYSTÈMES POUR TOUTES LES APPICATIONS NOUVEAUTÉ : DEMANDEZ DEMO LIVE Commandez auprès de Alliaverre ​​ Un seul prestataire pour répondre à l'ensemble de vos besoins en matière de garde-corps Simplification du processus de commande grâce à l'utilisation de formulaires préétablis Les plus bas prix du marché Maîtrise de la logistique avec des délais de livraison respectés Utilisation de panneaux de verre certifiés CE de haute qualité DEMANDE DE DEVIS SOYEZ INSPIRÉ 1/2 EN SAVOIR PLUS SUR LES GARDE-CORPS EN VERRE ​ Découvrez l'Élégance Intemporelle : Garde-corps en Verre Alliaverre Railing ​ Bienvenue sur le blog Alliaverre Railing, où l'innovation et l'esthétique se rencontrent pour créer des espaces sécurisés et élégants. Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter notre gamme exclusive de garde-corps en verre, conçus pour rehausser la beauté de votre environnement tout en assurant une protection optimale. ​ Esthétique sans compromis ​ Nos garde-corps en verre sont la quintessence de l'élégance et de la sophistication. Fabriqués à partir de verre de haute qualité, ils offrent une transparence cristalline qui permet de maximiser la luminosité naturelle et de mettre en valeur les paysages environnants. Que vous recherchiez un style contemporain ou classique, nos designs variés s'adaptent à tous les goûts et à toutes les architectures. Sécurité Certifiée Chez Alliaverre Railing, la sécurité est notre priorité absolue. Tous nos garde-corps en verre sont rigoureusement testés et certifiés selon les normes les plus strictes, notamment celles de la CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment). Vous pouvez donc avoir une totale tranquillité d'esprit en sachant que nos produits garantissent une protection fiable pour vous et vos proches. ​ Sur Mesure, pour une Intégration Parfaite Nous comprenons que chaque projet est unique. C'est pourquoi nous offrons des solutions sur mesure, adaptées à vos besoins spécifiques en matière de dimensions, de styles et de finitions. Que vous conceviez un projet résidentiel ou commercial, nos équipes expérimentées travailleront en étroite collaboration avec vous pour créer des garde-corps en verre qui s'intègrent harmonieusement à votre espace. ​ Engagement envers la Durabilité Chez Alliaverre Railing, nous sommes également engagés envers la durabilité environnementale. Nos processus de fabrication respectueux de l'environnement et nos matériaux de haute qualité garantissent non seulement la longévité de nos produits, mais contribuent également à la préservation de notre planète. Explorez Notre Collection Plongez dans notre collection de garde-corps en verre et découvrez l'harmonie parfaite entre design, sécurité et durabilité. Que vous recherchiez une solution standard ou sur mesure, Alliaverre Railing est votre partenaire de confiance pour créer des espaces exceptionnels, où la beauté et la fonctionnalité se rencontrent. DESIGN, SAFETY AND FLEXIBLITY ​ This is the principle behind ALLIAVERRE RAILING's guardrails. All-glass railings with solid and discreet fixing systems highlighting all the transparency of the glass. Our systems are tested and approved for installation in both public and private places. ​ Whether you are an architect, a construction company or a reseller, contact us, ALLIAVERRE-RAILING will be pleased to support you in your project. ​ ​

  • Demande de devis | alliaverre-railing

    Demande de devis Type de lieu * Lieu privé Lieu public (ERP) Fixation Système de profil * Sol Sol (F) Latéral Latéral (Y) Mètres Epaisseur de verre * 6/4/6mm 8/4/8mm 10/4/10mm 12/4/12mm 15/4/15mm Finition * Aluminium anodisé Laqué RAL Accessoires Angles Intérieur Angles Extérieur Top cover 3mm 10mm 20mm Habillage Habillage Bouchons Embout * Avec Sans Tige de raccord * Avec Sans Main courante Inox * Carré Rond Bord de vitrage Alu Aucun Ancrage * Tiges filetées pour scellement chimique Ancrage de fixation Fischer FH 12/50 SK Cheville mécanique spit Aucun Nom Numéro de client Entreprise Adresse Code postal / Ville Tél Fax E-Mail Projet de construction Importer vos idées Importer fichier Importez un fichier pris en charge (max. 15 Mo) Envoyer ! Merci. Nous vous recontacterons rapidement. REMPLISSEZ LES INFORMATIONS & RECEVEZ VOTRE DEVIS EN MOINS DE 24 H BESOIN D'AIDE ? APPELEZ NOUS OU DEMANDEZ QUE L'ON VOUS RAPPELLE

  • Alliaverre railing - Systèmes de fixation pour garde corps en verre

    Quick-mount Flex fit A complete range that covers the entire implementation s * Download our catalog to see our full range Download TL-6010 Décrivez votre image TL-6030 Décrivez votre image TL-6011 Décrivez votre image TL-6031 Décrivez votre image TL-6020 Décrivez votre image TL-6021 Décrivez votre image TL-3010 Décrivez votre image TL-3030 Décrivez votre image TL-3011 Décrivez votre image TL-3031 TL-4010 TL-5010 TL-2060 / 2080 TL-2160 Pince au sol Rocket Pince au sol Rocket Haut de page Ancre 1 TL-6010 This aluminum profile is suitable for floor mounting. It allows a multitude of applications and withstands linear loads of 1kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Conditioning : 2500mm / 5000mm Height : 120mm Material : natural aluminum, asp. brushed stainless steel, RAL, untreated In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 2 TL-6030 This aluminum profile is suitable for floor mounting. It allows a multitude of applications and withstands linear loads of 3kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 21.52 - 31.52mm Packaging : 2500mm Height : 125mm Material : natural aluminum In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 3 TL-6011 This aluminum profile is suitable for side mounting. It allows easy mounting on steel or concrete and withstands linear loads of 1kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : lateral Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Conditioning : 2500mm / 5000mm Height : 140mm Material : natural aluminum, asp. brushed stainless steel, RAL, untreated In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 4 TL-6031 This aluminum profile is suitable for side mounting. It allows easy mounting on steel or concrete and withstands linear loads of 3kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : lateral Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 21.52 - 31.52mm Packaging : 2500mm Height : 170mm Material : natural aluminum In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 5 TL-6020 This aluminum profile is suitable for floor mounting. The innovation of this profile lies in the increase in the fixing distances, which therefore has the advantage of being more economical. It is resistant to linear loads of 1kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Conditioning : 2500mm / 5000mm Height : 140mm Material : natural aluminum, asp. brushed stainless steel, RAL, untreated In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 6 TL-6021 This aluminum profile is suitable for side mounting. The innovation of this profile lies in the increase in the fixing distances, which therefore has the advantage of being more economical. It is resistant to linear loads of 1kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : lateral Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Conditioning : 2500mm / 5000mm Height : 140mm Material : natural aluminum, asp. brushed stainless steel, RAL, untreated In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 7 TL-3010 This aluminum profile is suitable for floor mounting. This system is optimal for applications under cement screeds, balconies and terraces. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Conditioning : 2500mm / 5000mm Height : 118.5mm Material : natural aluminum, asp. brushed stainless steel, RAL, untreated Ancre 8 TL-3030 This aluminum profile is suitable for floor mounting. It has been designed to be extremely resistant, which is why it withstands linear loads of 3kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 21.52 - 31.52mm Packaging : 2500mm Height : 120mm Material : natural aluminum Haut de page Ancre 9 TL-3011 This aluminum profile is suitable for side mounting. To facilitate assembly, this profile is adjustable in height. In addition, it withstands a linear load of 1kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : lateral Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Conditioning : 2500mm / 5000mm Height : 126mm Material : natural aluminum, asp. brushed stainless steel, RAL, untreated In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Ancre 10 TL-3031 This aluminum profile is suitable for side mounting. It is often used in busy places and has the advantage of being easy to install. In addition, it withstands a linear load of 3kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : lateral Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 21.52 - 31.52mm Packaging : 2500mm Height : 250mm Material : natural aluminum In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 11 TL-4010 This aluminum profile is suitable for floor mounting. It can be used as a guardrail as well as a windbreak or even as an interior partition. In addition, it withstands a linear load of 1kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 8/8 or 10/10 Packaging : 5000mm Height : 145mm Material : natural aluminum, RAL, untreated In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 12 TL-5010 This aluminum profile is suitable for floor mounting. It is the optimal solution for insulated flat roofs or for installation on hollow facades. 3 fixing points are sufficient over a length of 2500mm. It is resistant to linear loads of 1kN. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This profile is fitted with water drainage holes every meter. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Packaging : 2500mm Height : 147mm Material : natural aluminum Haut de page Ancre 13 TL-2060/2080 These adapters are a stylish and discreet solution for an elegant construction. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : lateral Application : indoor / outdoor Glass: Minimum 13mm or 14mm Packaging : 2 Diameter : ø60mm; ø80mm Material : stainless steel 304, stainless steel 316 In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Ancre 14 TL-2160 This adapter is a design and discreet solution for an elegant construction. This is adjustable to allow better alignment of the lens. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : lateral Application : indoor / outdoor Glass : 12 - 21.52mm Packaging : 2 Diameter : ø60mm Material : stainless steel 304, stainless steel 316 In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Haut de page Ancre 15 AV 6000 DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : outdoor Glass : 12 - 17.52mm Packaging : 1 Height : 167mm material: stainless steel 316 Ancre 16 AV 300 DETAILS : In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Mounting : ground Application : outdoor Glass : 12 - 17.52mm Packaging : 1 Height : 183.5mm material: stainless steel 316 Haut de page A VOTRE ÉCOUTE Simplifiez votre expérience d'achat avec une commande rapide et aisée. Pour toutes vos questions ou demandes de conseil, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail ou par téléphone 03 22 47 47 55. Nous sommes là pour vous aider !

  • Garde-corps Verre | France | Alliaverre Railing

    GARDE-CORPS TOUT EN VERRE DEVIS EXPRESS Spécialiste en garde-corps depuis 2012 AV GLASS : DU VERRE SUR MESURE NOUVEAUTÉ GARDE-CORPS PHOTOVOLTAIQUE SYSTÈMES POUR TOUTES LES APPICATIONS DEVIS GRATUIT PAIEMENT EN LIGNE Commandez auprès de Alliaverre ​ Un seul prestataire pour répondre à l'ensemble de vos besoins en matière de garde-corps Simplification du processus de commande grâce à l'utilisation de formulaires préétablis Les plus bas prix du marché Maîtrise de la logistique avec des délais de livraison respectés Utilisation de panneaux de verre certifiés CE de haute qualité DEMANDE DE DEVIS RESPECTS THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE PLACES Our glazed guardrails fit into all places. The discretion of the glass fully preserves the authenticity of the surrounding environment and makes it even more sublime. Nos garde-corps vitrés s'intègrent dans tous les endroits. La discrétion du verre conserve pleinement l'authenticité de l'environnement autour et le rend encore plus sublime. DESIGN, SAFETY AND FLEXIBLITY ​ This is the principle behind ALLIAVERRE RAILING's guardrails. All-glass railings with solid and discreet fixing systems highlighting all the transparency of the glass. Our systems are tested and approved for installation in both public and private places. ​ Whether you are an architect, a construction company or a reseller, contact us, ALLIAVERRE-RAILING will be pleased to support you in your project. ​ ​ Ancre 2 A VOTRE ÉCOUTE Depuis 2012 Simplifiez votre expérience d'achat avec une commande rapide et aisée. Pour toutes vos questions ou demandes de conseil, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail ou par téléphone 03 22 47 47 55. Nous sommes là pour vous aider !

  • EVENT | alliaverre-railing

    RETROUVEZ NOUS DANS LES PLUS IMPORTANTS SALONS ARCHITECT@WORK Le salon Architect@Work Paris est un événement incontournable dédié à l'architecture et au design. Il réunit des professionnels du secteur, des architectes, des concepteurs et des experts de l'industrie pour présenter les dernières tendances, innovations et produits dans le domaine de l'architecture. Les visiteurs auront l'opportunité d'explorer une large gamme de matériaux, de technologies de pointe, de solutions durables et de services liés à la conception et à la construction. BATIMAT - Le Salon mondial du bâtiment Batimat est un événement phare dans le domaine de la construction, réunissant des professionnels de l'industrie du bâtiment, des architectes, des entrepreneurs, des ingénieurs et des fabricants du monde entier. Organisé régulièrement, ce salon offre une plateforme dynamique pour présenter les dernières innovations, les matériaux de construction de pointe, les technologies émergentes, et les solutions durables qui façonnent l'avenir du secteur. Abonnez vous à notre newsletter et recevez les invitations pour nos prochains événements Saisissez votre e-mail ici S'inscrire Merci pour votre envoi !

  • alliaverre railing l Garde corps en verre | garde-corps verre

    TOUT AUPRÈS DU MÊME FOURNISSEUR GARDE-CORPS SYSTÈME & VERRE SUR MESURE DEVIS EXPRESS Commandez auprès de Alliaverre ​ Un seul prestataire pour répondre à l'ensemble de vos besoins en matière de garde-corps Simplification du processus de commande grâce à l'utilisation de formulaires préétablis Les plus bas prix du marché Maîtrise de la logistique avec des délais de livraison respectés Utilisation de panneaux de verre certifiés CE de haute qualité Demande de devis RESPECTS THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE PLACES Our glazed guardrails fit into all places. The discretion of the glass fully preserves the authenticity of the surrounding environment and makes it even more sublime. Nos garde-corps vitrés s'intègrent dans tous les endroits. La discrétion du verre conserve pleinement l'authenticité de l'environnement autour et le rend encore plus sublime. DESIGN, SAFETY AND FLEXIBLITY ​ This is the principle behind ALLIAVERRE RAILING's guardrails. All-glass railings with solid and discreet fixing systems highlighting all the transparency of the glass. Our systems are tested and approved for installation in both public and private places. ​ Whether you are an architect, a construction company or a reseller, contact us, ALLIAVERRE-RAILING will be pleased to support you in your project. ​ ​ Ancre 2 CONTACTEZ NOUS 13 Rue Jean-jacques Mention,80080 Amiens , France | Tel: 03 22 47 47 55 Envoyer Type de demande Choisissez une option Importer fichier Importer un fichier pris en charge (max. 15 Mo) Merci pour votre envoi ! A VOTRE ÉCOUTE Depuis 2012 Simplifiez votre expérience d'achat avec une commande rapide et aisée. Pour toutes vos questions ou demandes de conseil, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail ou par téléphone 03 22 47 47 55. Nous sommes là pour vous aider !

  • VITRAGE PHOTOVOLTAÏQUE | alliaverre-railing

    AV SOLAR : UN GARDE-CORPS QUI GÉNÈRE DE L'ÉNERGIE AV Solar produit de l'énergie verte, participant ainsi à la création d'un avenir sans émissions de carbone. Nous nous engageons dans la transition vers des solutions durables en intégrant la technologie solaire dans toutes les surfaces bénéficiant de l'exposition à la lumière du soleil. Contactez nous pour obtenir d'avantage d'informations sur l'intégration de garde-corps solaire dans votre projet ! Votre balcon devient une centrale électrique, génèratrice de revenus Les garde-corps AV SOLAR offrent une combinaison assurée de solidité, de durabilité, de sécurité et d'esthétique. Les possibilités d'application sont vastes : dès qu'un garde-corps est exposé à la lumière du soleil, il génère de l'énergie solaire de manière passive, la redirigeant vers la structure. La personnalisation du système de garde-corps est également possible pour répondre aux préférences esthétiques, offrant une variété d'options, de la transparence du verre du balcon à la teinte, en passant par les mains courantes et les poteaux métalliques. ​ Pour en savoir plus, veuillez nous contacter. Emballage & Livraison Le verre est un matériau fragile et nécessite le plus grand soin dans sa manipulation. C'est avec notre expérience depuis de 12 ans sur le marché des garde-corps en verre, que nous avons développé un grand savoir faire en matière d'emballage de nos produits. De plus, nous avons un service logistique performant qui accorde le plus grand soin au respect des délais et offre à nos clients un suivi des commandes depuis l'usine jusqu'à destination.

  • NOUS | alliaverre-railing

    THE STORY OF A KNOW-HOW Alliaverre, has been operating for 3 generations in the field of flat glass. It was with the collaboration of architects and designers that AV-RAILING was born; a complete range of fixing systems for glass railings. Quality, performance and innovation are the mottos of our company. This is made possible thanks to a passionate and dynamic team serving an increasingly demanding clientele.

  • CGV | alliaverre-railing

    General conditions of sale applicable on January 1, 2014 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any order automatically entails the buyer's acceptance of all of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale. 1. PREAMBLE These T & Cs replace the previous ones and are subject to change without notice. They take precedence over the general purchasing conditions of customers. 2. COMMITMENT Customer orders are only binding upon us after acceptance by sending our order acknowledgments. Our catalogs and technical and advertising documents are not contractual and may not be considered as a binding offer. Our quotes are valid for one month from the date of issue. 3. PRICE All sales are invoiced at the prices and conditions in force on the day the order is placed. Prices may, however, be modified due to variations in their economic components between the date of the order and the day of dispatch. In the event of deferred delivery by the customer, storage costs may be charged. Our prices are "departure" from our workshops. For products invoiced per m2, dimensions, areas and prices are determined with two decimal places, any fraction of the second decimal being rounded to the next higher unit. For volumes other than rectangular or square, the area considered is that of the circumscribed rectangle or square. 4. MANUFACTURING Our quotes as well as our drawings and models which may accompany them remain our property. They cannot be communicated to third parties without our authorization under penalty of damages. Our products are cut and shaped or manufactured with tolerances in accordance with professional rules. In the event of cancellation of an order or modification of it during the manufacturing period, the customer's products will be made available to him and will be invoiced to him. 5. DEADLINES We take our best care to respect the deadlines indicated. Any delays do not give the purchaser the right to terminate the sale, to refuse the goods or to claim damages. In any event, our responsibility cannot be engaged: would not have been respected; - execution of orders would not be given to us in good time; transfer or installation, fortuitous events, etc. 6. PACKAGING Our packaging is only designed for the transport of our products. These must be stored according to the rules of the art upon delivery to avoid any alteration. All specific or exceptional packaging or equipment will be invoiced. So-called “lost” packaging cannot be reused. Reusable apparatus may be repurchased, with a reduction depending on their state of obsolescence or missing accessories. 7. TRANSPORT - DELIVERY Our sales are made "departure" from our workshops. The goods travel at the risk and peril of the recipient, even when they are shipped postage paid. It is the recipient's responsibility to make any necessary reservations with the carrier before taking delivery of the goods, and to confirm said reservations to him within three days by registered letter in accordance with article L 133.3 of the Commercial Code. 8. STORAGE We do not accept to accept glass or other products belonging to third parties. If by exception we consent, they would be deposited at the risk and peril of their owner and we could not be held responsible for their deterioration or loss. Such a service will give rise to invoicing and in the event of delivery deferred by the customer, additional storage costs may also be invoiced. 9. COMPANY Our work contributing to the construction of building works is guaranteed in accordance with the provisions of articles 1792 and following of the Civil Code. For our installation activity and in the absence of a work acceptance report, between the two parties, the start date of the legal guarantee will correspond to the date on which the customer takes possession of the premises. Installation pricing is scheduled for execution during normal working hours. If, for emergency reasons, it had to be done in overtime, the increase resulting from legal provisions or mentioned in the collective agreements of the profession would be invoiced in addition. Our possible liability in the event of breakage or deterioration during handling or assembly of glass elements delivered by us is always strictly limited. this cannot extend to the consequences of delays in the delivery of replacement volumes, in particular for those requiring special execution in the factory without taking into account the added value for work that the customer was able to have it performed by third parties. We disclaim any responsibility, etc.) not performed by our staff, mirrors, glasses and other products previously installed would break. Consequently, the costs relating to the replacement of these products, including labor costs, will be invoiced. In the case of removal of a glass element attached by gluing to other glass elements, the breakage or deterioration of the latter during take-off operations constitutes an additional cost invoiced, both for the value of the glass elements themselves and for the associated removal and installation costs. As hardened or prefabricated products cannot undergo any alteration after manufacture, we can only order them in the factory after approval of our plans by the client or his architect. The measures indicated on our plans or agreed by letter must be scrupulously observed. If not, we would be forced to postpone the fitting of glasses and glasses until the measures and levels are in conformity, as well as a possible revision of the price and the fitting conditions for the service communicated. Unless otherwise specified in our quotes, work after installation by us, fittings of all kinds, etc. ) are not at our expense and must be executed by the respective trades, according to our instructions. Our installations are carried out in accordance with professional rules, and include in particular assembly sets in accordance with the rules of the Art, to which are added the manufacturing tolerances of the manufactured products. Periodic cleaning, tightening and adjustments of metal parts in glass and tempered glass installations are part of normal maintenance at the owner's expense. Hydraulic door closers and electric strikes only benefit from the manufacturer's warranty, subject to normal use. 10. INVOICING An invoice is established for each delivery. This invoice will include the information provided for in Article L. 441.3 of the Commercial Code. 11. RETENTION OF OWNERSHIP THE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF THE GOODS IS SUBJECT TO FULL PAYMENT OF THE PRICE AND ITS ACCESSORIES, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY CONTRARY CLAUSE. THE CUSTOMER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER FOR THEIR DELIVERY TO THE PLACE OF DELIVERY STATED IN THE ORDER, THE RISKS OF LOSS AND DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD, AS WELL AS THE DAMAGE THAT THEY MAY OCCUR. The customer must keep the goods in such a way that they cannot be confused with other material, and in particular preserve the identification marking. In the absence of full payment, the customer undertakes to return the goods and will bear the possible costs of invoking the retention of title, the deposits paid will remain with us as compensation. 12. PAYMENT For customers with an account with the company, our payment terms are 30 days, date of issue of the invoice, without discount. For occasional customers, our payments are in cash. Any payment when ordering or during the order constitutes a deposit. The customer cannot be released from his payment obligation by renouncing the execution of the order once it has been accepted by sending an acknowledgment of receipt of the order and / or by not withdrawing his order within the agreed timeframe. In the event of early payment, no discount will be granted to the customer. All drafts upon acceptance must be returned to us no later than eight days after receipt. Failure to return the item will be considered a refusal of acceptance comparable to a default in payment within the meaning of Articles 11 and 13 hereof. In the event of a change in the legal or financial situation of the customer, we reserve the right, even after partial execution of the order, to require guarantees to continue its execution. For our COMPANY activity, the prices established are understood to be 50% payment on the order and 50% during or at the end of the execution, in one or more installments as the order progresses. 13. DELAY OR DEFAULT OF PAYMENT In the event of extension of the due date and / or non-payment at the agreed term, late payment interest calculated on the basis of three times the legal interest rate from the missed due date, will be billed to the customer. . Pursuant to article L. 441.6 of the French Commercial Code, penalties are payable as of right upon receipt of the notice informing the customer that we have debited them. A lump sum compensation for recovery costs of 40 euros will be due automatically from the first day of late payment. This compensation is due for each invoice paid late. In the event of late payment, the company may, moreover, suspend all orders in progress several deadlines would be due to the Company, the non-payment of one of them would automatically entail the demand. immediate reliability of the outstanding balance. 14. RESPONSIBILITY - GUARANTEE Any complaint, concerning quantities or conformity, must be made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within 8 days of receipt of the goods. After this period, no complaint can be accepted. Once this period has expired, we guarantee our products under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code, excluding indirect damage. Actions due to a hidden defect can only be brought within a period which may not exceed 3 months from the appearance of the disorders and the maximum period of 5 years provided for in article L. 110.4 of the Code. of business. Our company is not responsible for the use of goods showing an apparent defect not noted on delivery. Our company is only required to replace the goods recognized by us as non-compliant and after recovery of the product that is the subject of the dispute. We are never liable for indirect damage or damage resulting from the use of our products that does not comply with the rules of the art, our installation instructions, the DTUs in force, as well as any breakage or deterioration resulting from it. improper handling, defective transport or storage conditions that do not comply with our prescriptions or the use of our products under unfavorable physical or chemical conditions. The maintenance over time of the performances de - qued according to the state of the art in force, is subordinated to their conditions of maintenance and use, as well as to the lifespan of the various components associated with the glass. The colors of our products may vary slightly depending on the manufacturing and depending on their aging over time. Consequently, we cannot guarantee the restocking in a color perfectly identical to the first delivery. In addition, our samples are only provided as an indication of the final appearance of the product. The work that is requested on entrusted products is always carried out by us with the greatest care, but due to their very nature and the risks they present, they are always carried out at the risk and peril of the customer, without any guarantee or liability on our part, nor any replacement obligation. We do not accept to take care of glass or other products belonging to third parties. 15. ATTRIBUTION OF JURISDICTION For all our customers, all disputes, whatever the subject, will be the responsibility of the head office of our company.

  • Téléchargements | alliaverre-railing

    Projets Nom du projet Description de votre projet. Rédigez un résumé pour présenter votre travail et son contexte. Cliquez sur « Modifier texte » ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer. Nom du projet Description du projet. Présentez votre travail et son contexte en quelques lignes. Pour commencer, double-cliquez sur la zone de texte ou cliquez sur « Modifier texte ». Nom du projet Description de votre projet. Rédigez un résumé pour présenter votre travail et son contexte. Cliquez sur « Modifier texte » ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer. Nom du projet Description du projet. Double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer. Nom du projet Description de votre projet. Rédigez un résumé pour présenter votre travail et son contexte. Cliquez sur « Modifier texte » ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte pour commencer. Nom du projet Description du projet. Présentez votre travail et son contexte en quelques lignes. Pour commencer, cliquez sur « Modifier texte » ou double-cliquez sur la zone de texte.

  • AV GLASS : VITRAGE GARDE-CORPS | alliaverre-railing

    AV GLASS : VITRAGE GARDE-CORPS Alliaverre, votre référence en matière de vitrage de haute qualité dédié aux garde-corps. Notre gamme de produits certifiés CE offre une combinaison parfaite entre sécurité, esthétique et durabilité. Du verre pour garde-corps Sur mesure, Qualité CE, et au Prix usine Des épaisseurs allant de 6 mm en simple vitrage jusqu'à 31,52 mm pour le vitrage feuilleté trempé. Du verre transparent, coloré ou même intégrant les cellules photovoltaïque pour la génération d'énergie solaire. Des perçages pour les supports de fixation Emballage & Livraison Le verre est un matériaux fragile et nécessite le plus grand soin dans sa manipulation. C'est avec notre expérience depuis de 12 ans sur le marché des garde-corps en verre, que nous avons développé un grand savoir faire en matière d'emballage de nos produits. De plus, nous avons un service logistique performant qui accorde le plus grand soin au respect des délais et offre à nos clients un suivi des commandes depuis l'usine jusqu'à destination.

  • Garde-corps Verre | France | Alliaverre Railing

    GARDE- CORPS TOUT EN VERRE MEILLEURS PRIX NOUVEAUTÉ GARDE-CORPS PHOTOVOLTAIQUE AV GLASS : VERRE SUR MESURE POUR GARDE-CORPS DEMANDEZ UNE DEMO LIVE PAR VISIO Commandez auprès de Alliaverre ​ Un seul prestataire pour répondre à l'ensemble de vos besoins en matière de garde-corps Simplification du processus de commande grâce à l'utilisation de formulaires préétablis Les plus bas prix du marché Maîtrise de la logistique avec des délais de livraison respectés Utilisation de panneaux de verre certifiés CE de haute qualité Commander RESPECTS THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE PLACES Our glazed guardrails fit into all places. The discretion of the glass fully preserves the authenticity of the surrounding environment and makes it even more sublime. Nos garde-corps vitrés s'intègrent dans tous les endroits. La discrétion du verre conserve pleinement l'authenticité de l'environnement autour et le rend encore plus sublime. DESIGN, SAFETY AND FLEXIBLITY ​ This is the principle behind ALLIAVERRE RAILING's guardrails. All-glass railings with solid and discreet fixing systems highlighting all the transparency of the glass. Our systems are tested and approved for installation in both public and private places. ​ Whether you are an architect, a construction company or a reseller, contact us, ALLIAVERRE-RAILING will be pleased to support you in your project. ​ ​ Ancre 2 A VOTRE ÉCOUTE Depuis 2012 Simplifiez votre expérience d'achat avec une commande rapide et aisée. Pour toutes vos questions ou demandes de conseil, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail ou par téléphone 03 22 47 47 55. Nous sommes là pour vous aider !

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